Who Are Jeff and Jennifer?

About Jeff Johnson

For the past seven years, Jeff Johnson has led Robin's 384-member Producers Club Master Mind group, working with top-producing IT business owners on a daily basis to further their businesses.

As a former MSP and client of the Technology Marketing Toolkit system, he grew his IT business in Sacramento from a nearly bankrupt operation to a managed services provider with $1 million+ revenue in three short years. Using Robin's marketing systems, his office was the #1 revenue-generating company in a 100+ franchise system and he was repeatedly honored in the franchise's system with awards, including 2005 Franchise of the Year, 2006 Outstanding Achievement Award, 2007 Peak Performance Award, 2008 Marathon Award (most managed services revenues) and 2008 National Leadership Award, and was the winner of the franchise's 2007 Sales & Marketing Contest, earning a brand-new BMW in the process.

In December 2009 he sold his MSP business to join Team Robin and continue pursuing his passion of working with small technology businesses to achieve the type of success that he found in using Robin's sales and marketing systems.

About Jennifer Bleam

A long-time client of Robin Robins, Jennifer Bleam successfully ran the sales and marketing departments of her husband's Washington, DC-based MSP for over 10 years. She was instrumental in growing the business substantially, which allowed them to move from a tiny corner of their basement to a large office space. As an MSP, Jennifer was privileged to be part of the Producers Club and was invited to join Robin's prestigious Genius League. One of her biggest accomplishments was leading one of Robin's most successful accountability groups in the history of the Producers Club.

Jennifer now works with IT companies across the country, helping them implement campaigns successfully, and with documented results. Jennifer is especially knowledgeable about websites and newsletters, and how to use them as lead sources. Jennifer has won numerous awards, including the coveted Editor's Choice Award for her contribution to her best-selling book. She has also spoken at countless industry events across the country.

Exactly What I Needed!

James Kudla
Tarrytech Computer Consultants

"I've been a client of Robin's for nearly seven years, and you might think that there is nothing new to learn. But I came away from the Meet Up energized and full of new and exciting ideas for growing my business, which is EXACTLY what I wanted to get out of the day."

Gross Revenues Up $924,878, Monthly Recurring Revenue Increased From $21,451/month To $247,894/month In 3 Years

Joanna Sobran

"When we first started working with Robin, we were pulling in $21,451 in monthly recurring revenue. Now, three years later, after learning lots, establishing our 'Marketing Oil Wells,' implementing even more and hiring an account manager, we're up to $248,000 in MRR. If that doesn't make you a believer in Robin, then I don't know what will!"

We Added Over $1 Million In Revenue This Past Year

Mike Clemmons
ByteCafe Consulting

"This was truly an amazing year for us! Our bottom line increased by 163%, our managed services revenues by 82% and we added over a million in new sales using the marketing campaigns and strategies Robin provided us."

Thanks To Great Marketing, We Surpassed Our $3.6 Million Revenue Goal While Maintaining Our Profitability

Bruce McCully
Dynamic Edge

"The past year was a challenge for me personally in many different ways, but thanks to Robin's marketing, I now have the marketing systems in place that can help to make my company the best computer support company in the world. Even through the troubles, we surpassed our $3.6 million goal this year!"

We Have More Than Doubled Our Annual Sales From $1.6 Million To $3.6 Million

Michele Ringelberg
NeXt I.T.

"Our marketing has gone from simply 'looking good and not performing' to delivering consistent, predictable RESULTS and ROI. Thanks to using Robin’s marketing approach, sales skyrocketed from $1.6 million to $3.6 million. Robin's Marketing Roadmap has given us a solid plan for implementation and the confidence to reach our goal of $4.3 million this year."

We Obtained 5 New Customers For A Total Of $9,790 A Month In Recurring Revenue Using Just One Of Robin’s Campaigns

Dawn Wilson
TEC Works

“Over the past year we have obtained five new customers with managed recurring revenue of $9,790 per month, strictly by using one of Robin's marketing campaigns. We have also been able to upsell these clients with an average of $1,000 per month of extra services and products. Ultimately, the value of these five clients is nearly $11,500 per month in recurring revenue!

Robin has definitely taught me that I can sell anything. Thankfully, we’re now a profitable, stable company with both a marketing plan and growth strategy in place!”

We've Added Over $20,000 In NEW Monthly Recurring Revenue So Far This Year!

Chris Traxler

"We took Robin's advice and decided to focus on a niche. We chose the medical industry, as we had already experienced success there. We marketed to our list with a multipronged, multimedia approach of direct mail, telemarketing follow-up and canvassing. We are diligent with our marketing touches, using the templates Robin provides us, including monthly newsletters, Shock and Awe packages, TechTip e-mails and our newly published book, Keeping I.T. Simple.

Using one particular marketing strategy, we added almost $12,000 in new MRR (over $430,000 total life of contracts) with a monthly spend of $3,000.

This year alone our revenue is up over 50%, and we've added over $20,000 per month in brand-new MRR. And now that our marketing is consistently bringing in two to three brand-new, highly qualified leads per week, I have no doubt this growth trend will continue at the same pace (or faster!).”

One Campaign Generated Over $21,000 In Revenue, While Only Costing Me $36 To Execute!

Kayla Wilber
Huber & Associates

"After returning from Robin’s Marketing Managers' Training Seminar, I decided to run a campaign to promote our BDR solution to our existing managed services clients. I used letters, videos and e-mails to present our BDR solution to our clients, who already knew us and were familiar with our managed services business but were not BDR clients. The response was great! I had a 34% response rate to the marketing, a 36% close rate by our sales team, and spent $36 in total executing this campaign. The campaign secured more than $21,000 in BDR sales, which the company could have missed completely! 

I am glad we found Robin, her expertise, her team and the networking opportunities with the other Producers Club members. It has motivated me and allowed me to help Huber & Associates become a successful managed services business.” 

We Finally Broke The $2 Million Mark AND Secured A 101% Increase In Net Profits

Charles Henson
Nashville Computer

"We set our goals, created our marketing plan based on Robin's strategies and campaigns and committed to sticking with it no matter what. The payoff was HUGE – we finally burst through to the $2 million mark and increased our net profit by 101%."

I've Gone From $1,000 In MRR To $30,000 In The 3 Years I Used Robin's Strategies And Marketing!

John Rutkowski
BOLDER Designs

"Like many MSPs, marketing was a completely foreign concept to me. Initially all of my clients came from word of mouth and I never had to go out and get the business. So bit by bit I learned marketing and implemented the tools and strategies Robin had given me.

I took Robin's advice and transitioned all of my clients from a break-fix to a managed model. That has been a huge success, and now, three years later, I'm up to $30,000 in MRR with just 2.5 people, plus project work, plus hardware and software sales. Bottom line has been solid black for the last two years, and we paid off the $100,000 in debt we had accumulated in the leaner years.

I also systematized my referral program and I'm now reaching new clients by delivering seminars promoted through JV partners. By reminding myself that Rome wasn't built in a day and setting one goal a week to further my marketing, I was able to succeed step-by-step in adding new marketing strategies to my business.

I wish I could take back the years I wasn't attending events or using Robin's methods. My advice for any new member is: don't do like most people and let these strategies accumulate dust on the shelf – they really DO work. Also, get in a peer group (for me it was Robin's Producers Club). With Robin's strategies and the support of my accountability group, I have built a solid business and a confidence in the future success of things to come."

Using A Consistent Combination Of Robin's Marketing Strategies, I Have Grown My Business 47% Over The
Last Year

Scott Spiro
Computer Solutions
Group, Inc.

"When I first started my business I was always looking for that one marketing 'magic bullet' I could use to repeatedly get new customers. What I have come to learn is that there is no one 'magic bullet' when it comes to being successful with marketing. Over the years, through much trial and error, I have discovered it takes multiple activities, working together consistently toward specific goals and then measuring the results.

Using a consistent combination of canvassing office buildings, attending key business trade shows, networking, joint ventures, webinars, seminars, organic SEO, a monthly newsletter and Google AdWords, my business has grown 47%, breaking the $1 million barrier in revenue! This year we are shooting for $2 million and I feel confident we will get there.

Robin has taught me to track everything in our marketing. This actually allows for decisions based on real data and not based on emotions. Robin always says, 'Until someone buys your service, they don't know how good you are. They only know how good your MARKETING is.' With that in mind, I know I am on the right track since one of my prospective customers told me how good my marketing is, and that they would like ME to handle THEIR marketing along with their technology."

We Have Increased Our Monthly Recurring Revenue By Almost 30%
"Since the implementation of the Technology Marketing Toolkit in late 2012, we saw early results by signing a new MRR (monthly recurring revenue) client from our first 'Bad Date' campaign ($1,750 MRR). We have continued to implement the 'system' and have increased our MRR since January by almost 30%. That's counting in our latest client, which will start next month, for $6,480 a month or $233,280 over the next three years, plus projects and hardware/software sales. Thanks for the knowledge!!"
Ilan Sredni
Palindrome Consulting, Inc.
My Net Profit Is Up 250% And I Now Have $43,515 In MRR
"We grew because we made some consistent marketing habits, dedicated resources to tasks, took care of current clients and made those things parts of our job."
Michael Mandato
System Care, Inc.
Gross Sales Up 28%, Net Profit Up 173%, MRR Up 90%
"In two years we've grown like gangbusters! I wish I could say there was one magic bullet – one campaign that brought us new clients and an endless flow of money... The truth is, there wasn't! it was blood, sweat and tears. We worked our @$$es off!"
Brendan Howe
Using The "KLAMP" Method, I Sent Out ONE E-mail Campaign, Which Secured $29,700 In Annual, Recurring Revenue Right Away And Eventually Got Me To A Total Revenue Increase Of $88,548!
"After letting the Toolkit sit on the shelf in my office for quite some time, I finally kicked off my marketing plan using Robin's materials and strategies. I sent out the BDR e-mail campaign to existing clients and generated a 32% response rate and an increase of $29,700 in annual, recurring revenue. That represents a monthly increase of approximately 6% in our world.

Overall, I secured an additional $88,548 in revenue due to this ONE campaign! What can I say but 'WOW' and 'Woohoo!!!' This was an awesome jump-start for us – something I wish I had done when I first got the Toolkit!"
Diana Spurgus
Business Systems Solutions, Inc.
I Generated 19 Sales Totaling $156,450 Using Just One
Of Robin's Strategies!

"Before I found Robin and joined the Producers Club, I 'thought' I knew a thing or two about marketing. It turns out that what I knew a thing or two about was sales (and I knew a little bit about marketing).

I didn't quite know at the beginning if the program would be worth the money. But I put her campaigns to work, and from January through April, we received 57 referrals. So far those referrals have converted into 19 sales totaling $156,450, and we still have more deals to close. WOW! At this rate, I will have 171 referrals and 55 new clients by the end of the year.

I just can't say enough good things about Robin. Now I know a thing or two about marketing, thanks to her!"

Tom Malesic
Not Only Did Robin Teach Me What Marketing Is, She Taught Me How To Use It To Increase Sales By 23%, Bring Net Profit Up 22% And Send My Recurring Revenue Soaring Up 184%!

"Over the last few decades, my business grew continuously, but was never particularly profitable. I drew an income, but nowhere near what I would have earned working for someone else.

My biggest problem was that I hated sales and had no idea what marketing was. I stumbled across Technology Marketing Toolkit and the money-back guarantee. I have to admit, I was skeptical, but I decided I might as well give it a go.

After lots of hard work, campaign planning and follow-up, I have finally learned how to market and do it successfully. It all started with one campaign. I took the plunge, sent out the letters and got results. I was able to secure a project with a new customer that brought in considerable profit.

I have to say thank you to Robin. Because of her advice and marketing campaigns, I've achieved major accomplishments in my business and my life. In this past year alone I was able to increase sales by 23%, bring net profit up 22% and send my recurring revenue soaring up 184%. I still have to work hard on the business, and there is an enormous amount to be done, but I will no longer live month-to-month wondering where my future income will come from."

Stephen Swavley
Navigatum & International Spokesperson For Technology Marketing Toolkit
This Is So Much Better Than Cold-Calling!
"I hosted my first workshop today, which was modeled after the Technology Marketing Toolkit. I just wanted you know it went really well and I have now partnered with the local Chamber and will be hosting two more this summer! This is so much better than cold-calling ;)"
Liz Richardson
Beowulf Technologies, LLC
We Increased Our Managed Services Recurring Revenue From $6,000 To $150,000 In Under A Year During A Very Tough Economy

"Thanks to Robin, I now have a documented sales process that any salesperson in my company can follow without winging it.

Robin has opened my eyes to the fact that being a good salesperson isn't some magical process that only a select few can master – it truly is a methodical, step-by-step process that anyone can learn. After using this process over a one-month period, I have gone from closing one managed services contract per month to now closing five per month!

In addition, the average time it is taking me to close accounts is three weeks as compared to the five to six months it previously took. Overall, we have closed six new accounts; four of those are brand-new. The monthly recurring revenue from those six sales is $3,450, a total of $124,200 in revenue over 36 months. That's not too shabby an ROI for the training I was originally afraid to spend my money on! "

Sitima Fowler
Capstone IT, Inc.
During A Tough Economic Time, Our Gross Sales Are Now Up 45.6%, Our Recurring Income Has Climbed To 41.7% And Last Year Was A Banner Year For Us With Sales Up 25.8%
"We weren't making a lot of money and were just plodding along at a snail's pace and knew it was because we were in complete reaction mode. But we plugged along, not getting anywhere, until a few years ago when we met Robin Robins. We started using Robin's information to send out a monthly newsletter. It was great! Robin has also helped us realize that our natural vertical was dental offices since David and I have direct, hands-on experience working in those businesses.

The results overall have been stellar. During a tough economic time, our gross sales are now up 45.6% since we started, our recurring income has climbed to 41.7% and last year was a banner year for us with sales up 25.8%. When you consider there are a lot of businesses closing their doors, this is a pretty amazing bump. This year we raised our goal to almost double what we did last year, and I feel confident I can hit this goal because Robin's marketing is working."
Pam Snell
We Have Steadily Increased Our Profits Using Robin's Marketing Strategies; Last Quarter Alone Our Revenues Shot Up By 38% And Our Gross Margin Has Increased By 12%
"In our second year of business, we won a big account with 450 users. We were heavily reliant on this one major account. Then, the bad news came...that account closed their business and with one month's notice they informed us they wouldn't be needing our services anymore.

I searched the Internet for help with marketing. I was so desperate that I just wanted ANY help I could get. This is when I came across Robin.

Robin has changed my life. For starters, she helped me turn my business around and has given me the confidence and the tools to start ANY business and be successful in it. I know we have a fair way to go, but I know we have the tools, the know-how and the confidence to get there."
Maria Padisetti
Digital Armour
Our First Campaign Generated $16,250 In New Sales And Only Cost Us $60.10! This Campaign Not Only Brought Us New Customers, But Gave Us The Confidence And Experience We Needed To Continue To Make Our Business Successful!
"Before focusing on marketing our business and enrolling in Robin's programs, we were barely surviving on referrals and word of mouth. This carried us in the beginning, but eventually sent us into an endless cycle of gaining and losing clients. This never-ending downward spiral, coupled with some issues in our personal lives, made us realize that we had to make some changes to make our business successful. Getting involved with Robin's community and implementing her strategies have been some of the best decisions we have made.

Since purchasing the Toolkit, attending Boot Camp and eventually joining the Producers Club, we've had amazing results! Our first campaign generated $16,250 in new services, while costing us only $60.10! And, after implementing an SEO marketing plan and revamping our website, we closed four new contracts in one week, totaling over $100,000 in annual revenue!

The biggest benefit we've received in using Robin's marketing has been the peace of mind we now have. I love feeling in control of the success of our business by driving the marketing efforts. I no longer have sleepless nights due to financial worries. Now my (infrequent) sleepless nights are due to the great marketing ideas I have!"
Amanda Harper
Gaeltek, LLC
Thanks To Consistent Marketing And Great Vendor Support, Our Backup And Disaster Recovery Revenue Is Up 30% This Year!
"As a long-term client of Robin's and a 15-year MSP veteran who has been through a massive learning curve about marketing, I've learned the most successful strategy has been using education-based marketing. By using the strategies Robin teaches, like seminars, self-published books, articles and more, I am able to properly educate my customers on the importance of having a backup and disaster recovery plan in place.

Consistently marketing our message through these methods has allowed us to grow our backup disaster and recovery revenue over 30% this year, and we're poised to do even more! I am proud to have been named BDR Industry Ambassador and Intronis Spokesperson for these efforts.

A lot of our success is due to our great partner relationships with Robin Robins and Intronis. Having a consistent sales and marketing funnel and the solid technology in place to back it up have allowed us to soar in profits and confidence."
MJ Shoer
Jenaly Technology Group
Our Cloud Readiness Webinar Was A Huge Success! We Had 84 Sign Up And 53 Attend. To Date, We've Completed Seven Cloud Readiness Assessments, All Of Which Have Closed…Feeding Us $9,800 Per Month In Profitable Recurring Revenue!
"When I founded TechSquad IT in 2004, I was only a one-man band trying to figure out how to get all the right plates spinning, from operations to marketing. Now, eight years later, we have more than tripled our annual revenue using the campaigns and strategies Robin gave us.

Our Cloud Readiness Webinar was a huge success! We had 84 sign up and 53 attended. To date, we've completed seven Cloud Readiness Assessments, all of which have closed and are now feeding us $9,800 per month in profitable recurring revenue…all at a higher profit margin than managed services!

Since joining Robin's group and eventually the Producers Club, I'm constantly getting fresh new ideas and strategies to grow my business. The best practices I've learned have greatly contributed to the majority of my growth, both on the revenue and marketing sides.

By following Robin's advice, staying consistent with our marketing and joining the Producers Club, I've gotten far more than marketing…and it's paid for itself time and time again."
Chris Wiser
TechSquad IT